General Grievances Committee
1 | Smt P.Sailaja | Chairperson |
2 | Smt Y.Sridevi | Convener |
3 | Smt P.Hima Bindu | Member |
4 | Smt K.Jyothsna | Member |
5 | Smt K.Ramadevi | Member |
6 | S.Asha Greshma | Student Representative |
7 | A. Jamala Sri | Student Representative |
• The committee shall appoint an outside member of the Academic Faculty to serve on an adhoc appeal committee constituted at the school, college or unit level.
• The committee shall act as a second level of appeal in such decisions if requested by a student, as specified in the Rules and Regulations section of the Georgia Tech Catalog (xx.c.3).
• Develop and, with the approval of the Academic Faculty senate, establish and publish its own rules of procedures for the conduct of formal hearings.
The Committee will:
Act on its own cognizance, or upon request of any student or group of students, to specify or review grievances, suggestions, or criticisms concerning any matter relevant to the institute
In its minutes and in the annual report of its activities and findings, the committee shall preserve the anonymity of individuals by generalizing the issues involved and the actions taken.
The tenure of the members shall be two years. If any vacancy occurs in the office of such members, the vacancy shall be filled within 3 months and the member so appointed shall hold office for the residual term for which the earlier member would have held the office, if the vacancy had not occurred.
The committee shall meet at least two times a semester.
One-third members shall constitute the quorum. If the meeting is adjourned because of quorum, no quorum shall be required for such meeting after 15 minutes.